Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wednesday 28/08/10

Since yesterday had been a bust with actually going to job referral agencies, today was the day. We asked the people in the office what to wear, and they said a nice shirt and nice jeans would do. David and I both got dressed and went out to breakfast since we had momentum to get things done. Right around the corner at a place I’m not sure what it’s called has a $5 breakfast. It was two eggs, two pieces of toast, bacon or sausage, and an extra .50 cents for wedges. David got sausage and I got bacon and we split as we usually do. The bacon here is different than the bacon at home and it is so delicious. It is thicker width wise and also height wise. I will have to take a picture of the bacon and post it to show. It seems to be prepared the same way everywhere so I never have to worry about getting bacon that is too crispy since I hate crispy bacon. On the TV I saw that there were Australian troops in Afghanistan. I am nowhere near politics and I don’t usually even like reading the paper or watching the news because it’s all sad and stupid. But the news was on in the breakfast place and we hear that, and were both a bit shocked. Who knew? Maybe everyone, just not David and I.
David and I both printed out 15 resumes hoping to go to that many job referral places. It ended up costing us $18 a piece because there is no where to print for free. That kind of sucks, considering when we went out most people didn’t even take our resumes or told us to email it to them. But at any rate, when we were waking to Pitt street where a lot of the places are one of the hookers in Kings Cross was telling a guy that she just returned today from Bangkok. Hahahaha! I don’t think he got the metaphor and maybe she didn’t even mean it but there was definitely an innuendo in there. Three steps later we see a girl wearing a legitimate Michael Jackson outfit. Glove and everything. We continue or walk just another 3 minutes or so and there is a belligerently drunk man on the street (mind you it is about 12 midday) and he’s homeless. He tries to stop a woman who was pretty tall and a full weight, and the woman tries to ignore him and get around him. He doesn’t take that for an answer, and keeps getting in front of, being absolutely ridiculous. At this point it is like a train wreck, you don’t want to watch but you have to. I half wanted to help, and half realized that I was way too small to do anything helpful. The homeless man went too far, and the woman shoved him. He was insane. The walk continued, and I noticed that anytime I see people eating and walking it is an apple. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else eating while walking unless it is an apple.
We were outside walking to the referral agencies which were only about a 20 minute walk from the Cross. We saw some awesome sights we haven’t seen before, mostly a huge cupcake store that had big top sized cupcakes.
The first place we walk into was qube. I am really glad now that we did that place first, because they took our resumes and made us fill out two papers and gave us interviews. The lady I had, Shannon, was very nice and we had like a 4 minute interview. David said his girl was nice too. That however, was the only place that actually gave us interviews. Every other place told us to call them and set up an appointment, but honestly most places didn’t even take our resumes which we had spent so much money making. Everyone we talked to though was incredibly nice. I don’t think I’ve met any mean people in Sydney. Some referral places didn’t say what they referred for, so we just walked in and ask. The one place refers for IT stuff, so we said, oh no that’s not us, and the guy gave us a list of places that did referrals to go to. We also talked to a girl in another referral place who was awesome who loved food and told us to go to the Sydney tower restaurant that is a 50 dollar buffet for lunch (which is an amazing deal) and they serve so much food.
We came back to the hostel and met our new roommates, Jodi and Laurie. They were looking for the Coles grocery store and since David and I were going we offered to take them. They seem like a couple of really nice people. We ended up finding out they have been traveling for 11 months all over the world. They are from England but went through Europe and Asia and then to Melbourne for 6 months and up to Sydney for 6 months. David and I checked out food prices at Coles, but remembered we saw a litre of olive oil at Woolworths half off for $4.50 which even in the states is a huge deal. So we bought half of our food at Coles, and walked down to Woolworths for the other half we were pretty sure we saw cheaper down there. We also bought some chocolate looking swiss roll from the bakery for 5 dollars which will last us probably 4 or 5 days. So much for getting skinny over here!
For dinner we ended up getting 5 correctly portioned steaks for 9 dollars, plus a head of cauliflower and broccoli to roast. The meal ended up being really good and I enjoyed myself. We just hung out that night, getting to know Jodi and Laurie better and the more I get to know them, and everyone else in the hostel, the more I like them. Love to you all back at home though. Even though I am gallivanting all over Sydney right now, I think about you all often and think about how much I want everyone to come to Sydney so I can show them the amazing things I have already found and enjoy. If you’re even thinking about coming to visit, please do so. I would love to have you and I know you would love to see it here.

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